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NZ Native Timber Supplies - lengths of timber in a variety of sizes - Wellington.jpg
Wooden Surface

NZ Native Timber Supplies


Experts in sourcing and logging native timber throughout New Zealand, then milling, drying and profiling for a variety of end uses, including flooring, decking, weatherboards, landscaping, carving and joinery.
Fire Wood

-- Species of Native Timber Available --

Supplying a large variety of NZ native timbers, including those that can be hard to source, like macrocarpa. Having operated throughout the country, we know where to find the goods!


This includes: totara, matai, rimu, macrocarpa, black maire, jarrah, kahikatea, rewarewa, kauri, rata, beech and tawa.


We are New Zealand's largest supplier of totara.


With a large range of dry timber in stock, we may even have what you need on hand, which we can cut and profile to your specifications.


Macrocarpa timber - mill to order and contract milling. Large range of sizes in stock.


Macrocarpa slabs 

wide range available from 1200mm to 300mm 


Price for slabs $4500per cube


Macrocarpa timber

All dimensions available to  meet all your requirements, including macrocarpa weather boards - decking - sleepers  


Macrocarpa custom

At NZ Native Timber Supplies we specialize in large dimension's from 300mm x 300mm / 300mm 100mm beams 

-- Native Timber Flooring, Decking & More --

From slabs of timber for carving, to lengths ready to use for flooring, whatever the purpose for the timber, we can source, mill, dry and profile for your needs. We provide an end-to-end service.


We often have standard widths of flooring boards in stock, but can also profile custom cut and match existing flooring.


Totara and macrocarpa are our most popular timbers for decking, which can be supplied rough sawn or dressed.


We stock the largest range of sleepers in the Wellington region, in three grades, plus large hardwood beams and poles.


Large, clean totara and matai timber slabs & posts for carving. We can also supply black maire / rata for taiaha, patu & tewhatewha.


A variety of native species can be milled to size, dried and supplied either rough sawn or dressed if required.


Weatherboards are prodced to order, with totara and macrocarpa very popular varieties. These can be profiled, to rustic or shiplap.

-- About Us --

Established in 2002, NZ Native Timber Supplies is a family owned business, managed by Richard and Debbie Uren, with two of their sons, Trent and Ben (both qualified builders) also working in the business.


Based at our family property in Reikorangi, Waikanae, we now operate two mills and our own dehumidifier kiln for drying the timber, which enables us to work with large slabs and long lengths and mill most sizes of timber for flooring, decking, weatherboards, beams, etc.


Because we are involved at all stages of production, we are able to offer very competitive prices for our native timber.

Richard Uren - NZ Native Timber Supplies.jpg
Pile of Logs

“Thank you Richard for such great service - the wood is beautiful and blends in well with our old wood. Thanks for getting the profile spot on and facilitating everything.


It really is a talking point of visitors. The wood is so beautiful that we decided to keep a natural oil finish rather than a stained lacquer.


Thanks for being so great to work with."

- Catherine Maher

“Richard has used his amazing knowledge of New Zealand native timbers to help us create a floor that gives us delight every time we look at it. From is stock of rimu sarking, Richard and his team selected lengths, then organised a timber profile to route tongue and groove edges that transformed the sarking into flooring. The result is a stunning yet rustic floor that perfectly suits our needs.


We have so many people asking us about the floor and how we created it. It's been a great story to tell and a total pleasure to deal with NZ Native Timber Supplies. They have added value to our renovations."

- Tim Duffett,

Silver Fern Living Limited

“Richard has supplied me with NZ native machined T+G flooring from recycled timber several times for different projects. His product and customer service consistently exceeds expectations.


If you are after any sort of NZ timber related supplies, then I have no hesitation in recommending NZ Native Timber Supplies."

- Paul Rose,

CSi Construction

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